About Elizabeth & OTHER FAQS
Who are you?
Hi! I’m Elizabeth. Designer, enthusiast, avocado lover and founder of Elizabeth Buenaventura jewelry.
I create #modernamulets which help, guide and protect you.
We believe in spreading happiness throughout the world with our tiny treasures.

Where’d you grow up?
I was born in Connecticut, raised in Santiago de Chile. Now I live in New York City.
How did you start?
Mmm...tough question. Ever since I can remember I was drawn to creative outlets. (I was born a creative). At age 5 I had a “Rock Collection”, which consisted of rocks I found on my “excursions” (a hike in my backyard) and semi precious stones found in museums or “gem stores”. In my teens, I made string and bead bracelets, which I sold to my family and friends. Many years later after multiple career changes, I found jewelry again.

What did you study? Does it have anything to do with what you do now?
I studied Art, Medicine, Business and did my Master’s in Consumer's Behavior. Now I’m a jewelry designer. I know what you’re thinking…

How did you become a jewelry designer?
When in business school, I decided there was something missing in my life. Have you ever had that feeling? In search of a creative outlet, I stumbled upon a jewelry course (which changed my life forever).
Have you ever been so happy that tears roll down your cheeks? That’s how jewelry making made me feel. From the first day of my jewelry class, I knew I had found my passion.
Fast forward a few years; one gloomy Sunday morning in Santiago (while still laying in bed in my PJs), I decided to walk the plank. I booked a one way ticket to NYC (with miles), with hopes to become a New York jewelry designer.
October 12th, 2010, I moved to NY with a suitcase and a dream. I learned the ins and outs of the jewelry business by working for different jewelry companies. After a few years, I quit my 9 to 5, to share my passion with the world.
Why do you do what you do?
I love jewelry. I love designing jewelry. I love the message behind jewelry. I love creating meaningful pieces that can be passed on from one generation to the next. My intention is to spread happiness through the world, by creating “modern amulets” you can treasure forever.
What’s your favorite food?
Sushi, ceviche...and I can’t live without avocado.
Irrational Fears?
I’m afraid of sharks (although it won’t stop me from jumping into freezing cold ocean water).

Do you make custom pieces? Do you repurpose heirloom jewelry? Reset stones?
Yes (to all 3 questions)! It’s actually one of my favorite things to do. I’d love to learn about your story and create a unique piece of jewelry for you.

I’m not sure which pieces go well together. Can you help me with styling?
No problem. We’ve got’ ya covered. CONTACT US and we’ll schedule a free consultation via Facetime, WhatApp, Zoom or whatever type of call.