8 Ways To Take Care Of Your Pearls
8 Ways to take care of your pearls
You wish you would've known sooner.
A few fun facts about pearls
Did you know pearls are the only gemstone created by a living animal? As a matter of fact, a natural pearl is found in less than 1 in every 10,000 oysters.
Pearls are June's Birthstone. They symbolize wisdom, purity, integrity and loyalty.
Pearls come in all sorts of colors, shapes and sizes.
Here are 8 tips on how to take care of them:
1- Clean pearls regularly after wearing them with a soft cloth. Do not use any chemicals, as they may affect the luster of your pearls.
2- Do not use any cleaning products or jewelry steamer. Pearls are very sensitive.
3- Last on. First off. Put pearls on after applying makeup, cream and perfume. They should be the first thing you take off.
4- Do not store pearls in a plastic bag or a hot dry place.
5- Instead, wrap pearls in a soft cloth or silk in an area with ventilation. If you have to store your pearls in a safe, put a glass of water next to them. This will help balance the humidity in the area.
6- Wear your pearls every couple of weeks. Skin oils help maintain them in good condition.
7- Do not wear pearls while working out. Sweat can damage luster.
8- Do not store pearls with other gemstones or metal that may scratch them.
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